Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ask a Dentist in Rockville About Proper Tooth Brushing and Cleaning

Other factors have to be considered for effective tooth brushing. One of these is to use the right tool, that is, a properly sized and shaped toothbrush (which you must replace every 3-4 months or as needed); and a toothpaste with ADA approval. Interdental cleaners or flossers (also with ADA seals) should be used once every day, preferably before brushing your teeth. If you have special conditions or dental appliances, your dentist in Rockville, MD can prescribe any necessary modifications to the tools and techniques. For instance, if you have metallic braces, you may need a uniquely designed brush and more careful flossing techniques. Children and individuals with sensitive or weak gums may also require softer-bristled brushes and gentler strokes.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Dentist in Rockville, MD Offers Laser-assisted Dental Restoration

As with drilling and air abrasion, the main goal of laser technology is to remove damaged tissue—with far greater precision. Using laser, the dentist can focus on the decayed tooth structure and leave the surrounding structure healthy and untouched. Soon after the decayed portion has been removed, the tooth should be ready to receive the filling. Laser is also quite useful for hardening the filling material itself for optimum results.

A predilection for sweets, coupled with poor dental care habits, can make anyone at risk of suffering severe tooth decay. Thanks to laser and other modern dental innovations that ensure comfort and efficacy, an experienced Rockville dentist like Dr. Maryam Seifi, DDS of StarBrite Dental is able to provide high-precision treatments that help ensure every patient’s optimum oral health.