If you really stop to think about it, what are the two things people immediately notice the first time they meet you?
Your eyes and your smile.
Instinctively, the first thing we see when we meet someone is the expression on their face. This tells more about a person than almost anything else -including their body language, their clothing or the rest of their body. It’s a fundamental and instinctive way of relating to others. Are their eyes bright and friendly? Big smile? We feel welcomed and connect.
Because people look to others’ expressions for information so often, they tend to notice these areas more than others. Think about it: the most memorable thing about most people is their eyes, their smile and their face.
This is why cosmetic dentistry is important. If people are going to spend so much time looking at your smile, it’s important to put your best foot forward. It’s important to feel confident and unworried about what they’re thinking. It’s important to be able to be able to be there comfortably, happy that you’re giving the first impression you want.
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