Friday, December 30, 2016

Nighttime Bacteria: What Happens in Your Mouth While You Sleep

Dental Oral Health Have you ever wondered why your mouth is sometimes so sour first thing in the morning? This phenomenon, known colloquially as “morning breath,” happens because the bacteria in your mouth experience ideal conditions for reproduction at night. It’s not an attractive thought that you have an abundance of bacteria in your mouth in the morning, but that is the case. The result of that abundance is a sticky, filmy mouth and smelly gases that you perceive as morning breath.

What’s different about your mouth during the night? Mostly a lack of saliva. Your body automatically reduces its flow of saliva at night, but this means that bacteria is not continually being washed away the way it is during the day. Saliva is also high in oxygen, which directly kills some bacteria.

Also, there’s not as much for bacteria to eat at night. Carbohydrates are their preferred food and you’re not eating any and leaving remnants in your mouth for them to eat. So they look for proteins which can include your body’s mucus membranes. Their digestion of mucus membranes is not as efficient, resulting in the gases we hate to inflict on our partners.

Cleaning Your Teeth at Night

Most people clean their teeth most thoroughly at night, which is a very good practice. Furthermore, it does deprive mouth bacteria of any nutrients. Modifying your nighttime ritual can not only result in clean, healthy teeth but also can also reduce your mouth’s bacterial count. Follow this regimen for the best results:

  1. Floss thoroughly, even behind the back teeth.
  2. Brush your teeth with a soft brush for two full minutes. Many people think they brush for two minutes, but 35 to 45 seconds is actually the average. You might set a timer to help you brush for two minutes until you get the hang of it.
  3. Clean your tongue, either with a tongue scraper or a soft brush and oxygenating toothpaste.
  4. Use an antiseptic mouthwash but don’t use one that contains alcohol (nearly all popular mouthwashes do). Ask your dentist to recommend a good mouth rinse for you. One that oxygenates your mouth will keep down the growth of bacteria.

Using an irrigator is another step that will help you clean out smaller food particles that would feed bacteria. Ask your dentist if he or she recommends irrigation.

Once you have cleaned your mouth thoroughly, do not eat or drink anything but water before you go to bed. It’s a good idea to drink a little water if you wake up during the night so you can moisten your mouth.

In the morning, it’s not usually hard to get rid of morning breath. Floss first, then brush, then eat and drink.. If your sour mouth persists, then it’s not just morning breath. Your dentist can help you diagnose any other problem that could contribute to that bad taste and smell.

Eliminating Dry Mouth

If you breathe through your mouth while you sleep or take certain medications, your mouth will be dryer than normal. Which, of course, improves conditions for bacterial reproduction. There are more than a hundred medications which have dry mouth as a side effect. Ask your dentist about a moisturizing rinse for your mouth.

If you have sleep apnea, your mouth will be open more than usual at night and thus will dry out. Talk to your dentist about remedies for apnea.

If you suffer from chronic nasal congestion, this will also make you breathe through your mouth and dry out your mouth. Consult your doctor for a resolution of this congestion.

With a little time and attention, you can greatly reduce the nighttime growth of bacteria. This is not only good for giving you sweet morning breath, it helps your whole mouth stay healthier.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency or simply need to schedule an appointment for a routine exam or cleaning, please give StarBrite Dental, the Office of Dr. Maryam Seifi, a call at (301) 770-1070 or fill out the form below.

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Article source here: Nighttime Bacteria: What Happens in Your Mouth While You Sleep

Saturday, December 17, 2016

What Patients at StarBrite Dental Are Saying

Rockville Dentists

StarBrite Dental – The Office of Dr. Maryam Seifi – Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

At StarBrite Dental, the Office of Dr. Maryam Seifi, we very much value when our patients take the time to write about their personal experience in our Rockville, MD dentist office.

Actual Patient Review

dental patient review“The First Time in My Life I Have Looked Forward to My Dental Visits”

“It’s been almost two years since I had the cosmetic dentistry procedure completed and I must tell you, I couldn’t be more thrilled. Having a smile that is literally reminiscent of my youth makes a huge difference in my everyday life when meeting people, doing occasional public speaking and being able to enjoy the simple pleasures of eating comfortably.

Thank you for your wonderful mastery of cosmetic dentistry and for your magnificent team. These past couple of years have been the first time in my life I have looked forward to my dental visits. Thank you again for your dedication and caring for your patients.” ~ B.M.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency or simply need to schedule an appointment for a routine exam or cleaning, please give the office a call at (301) 770-1070 or fill out the form below.

Request Your Complimentary Dental Consultation

Additional StarBrite Dental Reviews:

Article source here: What Patients at StarBrite Dental Are Saying

Creating Hollywood Smiles with Cosmetic Dentistry

Introducing the Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover Rockville MD

If you’ve ever seen the Oscars on TV, you know half the fun is watching celebrities with their dazzling smiles arrive on the red carpet. If you’ve ever been more than a little bit envious of their flawless teeth, don’t be. You, too, can have a red carpet smile with a full smile makeover.

Just as the name implies, a smile makeover uses modern cosmetic dentistry procedures to transform less-than appealing teeth into a gorgeous smile. As no two people are identical, the success of your makeover lies in the dentist’s ability to tailor all procedures to your preferences and appearance. Many factors must be taken into account, such as the shape of your face and lips, skin tone, hair color, gum tissue and, of course, your teeth. This includes very detailed factors such as their exact color, width, length, shape and visual relationship to the gums.

Depending on the nature of your dental issues, a combination of procedures may be used for the makeover. Dental implants, for example, would replace any missing teeth. Veneers would cover stained or discolored teeth. And Invisalign would be used to straighten even the most crooked of teeth.

Dr. Maryam Seifi, a pioneer of cosmetic dentistry in the Rockville area, has been performing smile makeovers for over 25 years with outstanding, life-changing results. She will work very closely with you to design the exact smile you have always wanted.

Come see Dr. Seifi; at StarBrite Dental in Rockville, MD, for a free Smile Makeover Consultation. Call (301) 770-1070 or fill out the form below today.

Request Your Complimentary Dental Consultation


Article source here: Creating Hollywood Smiles with Cosmetic Dentistry

Transforming Lives Through Cosmetic Dentistry

“Dentistry is not just my job, it’s my art and my passion—particularly cosmetic dentistry.”

Dr. Maryam Seifi - Rockville MD dentist

Cosmetic dentistry allows me to do more than just improve someone’s smile. It enables me to change their life for the better. I’ve had patients who would cover their mouths when smiling or avoid talking with friends just because they were embarrassed about their teeth. They came to me for a “smile makeover” and when we were done, they not only had a gorgeous new smile, but also a big boost in self-confidence. Without the constant attention on their teeth problems, they were more outgoing and felt better about themselves.

In this age of advanced dentistry, an ideal smile is within easy reach. Advanced procedures exist to address just about any dental issue imaginable and my staff at StarBrite Dental do a fantastic job at them all. Having practiced cosmetic dentistry for over 25 years, I’m passionate about the aesthetics of teeth — their artistry, balance and beauty—along with their function and health.

If you are concerned about the way your teeth look or are embarrassed about your smile, come see me for a no-charge consultation in my Rockville, MD office. I can help you get the exact smile you’ve always wanted. Call (301) 770-1070. or fill out the form below.

Maryam Seifi
Dr. Maryam Seifi, DDS

Request Your Complimentary Dental Consultation


Article source here: Transforming Lives Through Cosmetic Dentistry

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

How Your Dentist Can Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep Apnea Treatment RockvilleBeautiful, healing sleep: there are few things that contribute more to our overall well-being, and few things that make life more miserable than the inability to get a good night’s sleep. You may not realize that your dentist can be a key player in your ability to sleep comfortably all night,but that’s the truth!

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you’re not sleeping deeply during those hours that your body should be doing the most healing and repairing. We’ll explain what sleep apnea is and how your dentist can help.

Types of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which you suffer from abnormal breathing. If you snore loudly and feel tired after a full night’s rest, you may suffer from this condition.

There are a few different types of sleep apnea:

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the excessive relaxation of throat muscles, collapsing the airway.
  2. Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain doesn’t send the right signals to your muscles to properly control your breathing.
  3. A combination of both types of sleep apnea is referred to as complex sleep apnea syndrome.

When this problem has gotten serious, you may be snoring loudly, then stop breathing entirely. With a gasping or choking sound, you finally start getting some air in your lungs. This happens over and over for most of the night. During the day, you may be so tired that you fall asleep when you’re working, relaxing or even driving.

The odd thing is that unless someone sleeps next to you, you may not even know you’re struggling to breathe at night!

Complications of Sleep Apnea

The problems that can result from sleep apnea go far beyond not getting a good night’s sleep. Realize that your body is not getting the oxygen it needs every moment. This deprivation can reduce your blood oxygen levels, straining your entire cardiovascular system. Your risk of high blood pressure increases.

Type 2 diabetes is more common with people struggling with sleep apnea. This is also true of a related condition called metabolic syndrome—a group of symptoms including high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol, increased waist measurement and high blood pressure. Tests show that sleep apnea is also hard on the liver—there are more signs of scarring and liver function tests are often abnormal.

How Can We Help?

We are trained and experienced in providing you with a snore guard or an oral appliance to prevent sleep apnea. These are devices custom fit to you that keep your mouth and jaw in the correct positions to maintain an open airway. For many people, this is all they need to start having a restful night’s sleep.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, don’t delay in calling StarBrite Dental, the office of Dr. Maryam Seifi, so we can help you transition to a new, restful sleep pattern. Face your day bright-eyed! Contact us at (301) 770-1070 to schedule your appointment for an exam and evaluation.

Request Your Complimentary Dental Consultation



Article source here: How Your Dentist Can Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Friday, November 18, 2016

What Patients at StarBrite Dental Are Saying

Rockville Dentists

StarBrite Dental – The Office of Dr. Maryam Seifi – Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

At StarBrite Dental, The Office of Dr. Maryam Seifi, we very much value when our patients take the time to write about their personal experience in our Rockville dentist office.

Actual Patient Review

Patient Review Rockville MD“When I came to StarBrite Dental I was in an emergency state with my dental care. It was a late appointment and to my surprise my tooth was able to be saved and that made me happy. I’ve always wanted the proper dental care and treatment for my teeth and it was just amazing that StarBrite did everything I needed to make me more happy with my teeth.

This is a wonderful team of professionals from the time you enter the door and greeted ’til the time you go back to your room. I’ve been educated on so much about my teeth and oral care and upkeep. All I can say is that I’m thoroughly happy with StarBrite and I can’t wait to show my smile when I have my Invisalign completed.” ~ A.S., Rockville, MD

If you are experiencing a dental emergency or simply need to schedule an appointment for a routine exam or cleaning, please give the office a call at (301) 770-1070 or fill out the form below.

Request Your Complimentary Dental Consultation

Additional StarBrite Dental Reviews:

Article source here: What Patients at StarBrite Dental Are Saying

Bad Breath — Do You Have It and What Can You Do About It?

help for bad breathHave you ever smelled a baby’s milky breath? It’s sweet and fresh. Unfortunately for many of us, that’s not always the case with adults! We’ve all experienced someone else’s bad breath. Or maybe a trusted friend told us our own breath needed improvement. But there are those other times when we just weren’t sure. Our mouths felt sour but we couldn’t tell if we were in danger of offending our friends or co-workers. How can you tell if you have bad breath?

Bad Breath Self-Tests

If you’re not with someone you’re comfortable asking (and how many people would we be willing to ask to smell our breath?), try this test instead. Lick your wrist and let it dry for a moment. Then sniff your wrist. That will give you a chance to experience what other people experience.

If you’re at home, you can also run some floss between your back teeth and then smell the floss. Or, if you have a tongue scraper, run it across your tongue and smell any coating it collects. If you don’t have a tongue scraper, gently use a spoon to scrape the back of your tongue. Then smell any of the coating collected on the spoon.

Causes for Bad Breath

Bad breath can also occur after a spicy meal, foods with onion or garlic, or an alcoholic or sugary drink. These smells are usually just temporary and can often be eliminated by brushing your teeth or using mouthwash.

Longer-lasting bad breath is usually the result of an excessive amount of bacteria growing in your mouth. The mouth is a great place for bacteria to multiply. It’s warm and wet and there’s all kinds of nutrients. Bacteria thrive between the teeth, on the tongue and in the back of the throat.

If these bacteria are allowed to remain undisturbed, the smell factor increases. Keeping the bacteria count down involves regular brushing (at least twice daily), flossing thoroughly every day and regular visits to your dentist to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Health Problems Can Also Cause Bad Breath

Any pockets of infection in your gums or teeth – even if they are painless – increase your chances of smelly breath. Of course, smoking or any use of tobacco not only tends to give you bad breath, it increases your risk of gum disease which then increases the likelihood of bad breath even more. Because smoking impairs a smoker’s ability to smell, he may have bad breath and not be aware of it.

Eliminating Sources of Bad Breath

Most of the reasons for bad breath are fairly easy to overcome. There are some chronic health conditions resulting in bad breath that take a little more work to resolve. Chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, diabetes, infection in the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal, liver or kidney problems can all contribute to sour breath. For these, you need to work with your doctor.

If you note that your breath is not ideal, the first place to start is your own schedule of dental care. Make sure you are following your dentist’s recommendations on oral health care. Then make an appointment with your dentist to rule out any infected pockets in your gums or any abscessed teeth.

Consider adding a tongue scraper to your oral care regimen. If you don’t have one, you can use your toothbrush to scrub away any coating. If you have any dentures, make sure you take them out at night and clean them thoroughly. Using a floss threader to clean under bridges will not only reduce your chance of bad breath, it will help your bridge last longer.

By now it should be obvious that you don’t have to resign yourself to bad breath! Take these actions instead and make sure you maintain the dental care schedule recommended by your dentist.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions or discuss your concerns during your next appointment at StarBrite Dental. Make an appointment by calling (301) 770-1070. Or you can fill out the form below.

Request Your Complimentary Dental Consultation


Article source here: Bad Breath — Do You Have It and What Can You Do About It?