Saturday, December 17, 2016

Creating Hollywood Smiles with Cosmetic Dentistry

Introducing the Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover Rockville MD

If you’ve ever seen the Oscars on TV, you know half the fun is watching celebrities with their dazzling smiles arrive on the red carpet. If you’ve ever been more than a little bit envious of their flawless teeth, don’t be. You, too, can have a red carpet smile with a full smile makeover.

Just as the name implies, a smile makeover uses modern cosmetic dentistry procedures to transform less-than appealing teeth into a gorgeous smile. As no two people are identical, the success of your makeover lies in the dentist’s ability to tailor all procedures to your preferences and appearance. Many factors must be taken into account, such as the shape of your face and lips, skin tone, hair color, gum tissue and, of course, your teeth. This includes very detailed factors such as their exact color, width, length, shape and visual relationship to the gums.

Depending on the nature of your dental issues, a combination of procedures may be used for the makeover. Dental implants, for example, would replace any missing teeth. Veneers would cover stained or discolored teeth. And Invisalign would be used to straighten even the most crooked of teeth.

Dr. Maryam Seifi, a pioneer of cosmetic dentistry in the Rockville area, has been performing smile makeovers for over 25 years with outstanding, life-changing results. She will work very closely with you to design the exact smile you have always wanted.

Come see Dr. Seifi; at StarBrite Dental in Rockville, MD, for a free Smile Makeover Consultation. Call (301) 770-1070 or fill out the form below today.

Request Your Complimentary Dental Consultation


Article source here: Creating Hollywood Smiles with Cosmetic Dentistry

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